
Professional Service, Products and Integrity since 1936

Harvey Windows

We are proud to announce that we now offer Harvey Windows!

Harvey Comercial Windows
Harvey Tribute Windows
Harvey Weston Tribute Kitchen

With over 137 years of combined experience servicing builders and remodelers, we understand what it takes to provide the window products and service that you need to do the job right. You can depend on Poulin Lumber’s quick & reliable service plus the quality and beauty of Harvey Windows.

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  • Superior lead times
  • Superior quality
  • Easy to install
  • Styles & options for any budget
  • Exceptional warranties
  • Energy efficient
  • One piece manufactured extension jambs & casings


  • Over 82 years in the industry
  • Experienced & dedicated sales team
  • One-stop-shop for your product & service needs
  • One piece manufactured extension jambs & casings
  • Large fleet to ensure complete & prompt deliveries
  • Huge in-stock selection of products you need
  • 4 convenient locations to serve you


3639 US Route 5
Derby, VT 05829
(802) 766-4971


439 Wolcott Street
Hardwick, VT 05843
(802) 472-5581


258 Meadow Street
Williamstown, VT 05679
(802) 433-1419


96 Commerce Street
Williston, VT 05495
(802) 662-1560

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