
Professional Service, Products and Integrity since 1936

Andersen A-Series Specialty Shape Window

Design your window using the options below:

A-Series specialty windows are designed to be used alone to maximize a view or combined to create large combinations. Made of wood protected by aluminum, these are our best-performing specialty windows.

  • Our best-performing specialty windows
  • Our widest variety of specialty shapes
  • Designed for architectural authenticity
Architectural Style Made Easy

Our best-performing, most energy-efficient specialty windows. Designed for architectural authenticity.

What’s It Made Of?

Choose from a variety of beautiful interior wood species, with fiberglass and composite exteriors that won’t peel, blister, fade or corrode, and resist water while sealing out the elements. MATERIALS

Energy-Saving Glass and Design

We have options to help you meet the performance level you need. Select Andersen® A-Series windows are recognized as Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR® in 2019. Specific glass options apply. LEARN MORE.

Want more details on the Anderson A-Series Specialty Shape Window? Click here to learn more!

Grille Type

Full Divided Light

Give your window an authentic look with grilles that are permanently applied to the interior and exterior of your window with an aluminum spacer between the glass.

Spacer Option for Greater Energy Efficiency

The Energy Spacer option is available to help A-Series products with full divided lights and SmartSun™ glass be ENERGY STAR® certified in the Northern climate zone. Its narrow design creates a 3mm gap around the spacer, helping to lower U-Factor values.

Simulated Divided Light

Simulated divided light offers permanent grilles on the exterior and and a choice of permanent or removable wood interior grilles, with no spacer between the glass.

Removable Interior Grille

Removable interior wood grilles are secured via a fastener or grille clip and can be removed enabling you to easily clean the glass surface.

Finelight Grilles Between-the-Glass

Finelight™ grilles are suspended between the panes of glass, allowing you to easily clean both the inside and outside of your windows and doors.

Grille Patterns





Custom Patters

Andersen gives you complete flexibility to design your own custom grille style. You sketch it, our craftsmen will create it.

Interior Trim

Interior Arch Casing

Available in Colonial (2 ¼”, 2 ½” or 3 ½”) or Ranch (2 ¼” or 2 ½”) styles. Arch casings come with transition blocks or plinth blocks, depending on the product. For easy integration and consistency, casing dimensions are consistent with Wood Moulding and Millwork Producers Association specifications. Available in pine, oak and maple.

Plinth Blocks

For enhancing casing transitions. Decorated with a radial sunburst, or use the reverse side flush face.

Use 2 7/8″ plinth block with 2 ¼” and 2 ½” casing. Use 3 7/8″ plinth block with 3 ½” casing.

Key Block

Excellent for creating unique trim designs or accents at arch casing transitions. A key block is an option for circle and oval windows.

Transition Blocks

Two transition blocks come with the interior arch casing extension jambs, providing a beautiful accent for circle and oval windows.

Trim Styles

2″ Brick Mould

3.5″ Flat

4.5″ Flat

Head Trim Profiles

Decorative Drip Cap

2″ Cornice

3 5/8″ Cornice

Glass Performance Ratings

Product Name
How well a product prevents heat from escaping.
SHGC, or Solar heat gain coefficient, is how well a product blocks heat caused by sunlight.
How much visible light comes through a product.
How well a product blocks ultraviolet rays.
SmartSun™Provides the benefits of Low-E glass, plus helps shield your home from the sun's heat and filters out 95% of harmful UV rays while letting sunlight shine through.
SmartSun with HeatLock™ CoatingAll the benefits of our SmartSun™ glass, with HeatLock® coating applied to reflect heat back into the home for improved thermal performance.
Low-E4®Reflects heat in the summer and helps keep heat inside in the winter, making this a good choice in climates where both heating and cooling costs are a concern.
Low-E4 with HeatLock™ CoatingAll the benefits of our Low- E4® glass, with HeatLock® coating applied to reflect heat back into the home for improved thermal performance.
PassiveSun®If you live in a cold climate, PassiveSun® glass allows the sun to heat your home.
SunOffers outstanding thermal performance with a subtle tint that blocks out even more heat from the sun.

Learn more about glass options.

Art Glass

Classic Series

The four styles included in our Classic Series panels represent major architectural design themes from the late 1800’s through the 1930’s. Their symmetric patterns are available in distinctive color schemes as well as colorless glass, and their caming may be finished with a gold tone, silver tone or antique patina.

Artisan Series

Two designs influenced by 20th century American and European architectural schools feature striking visual patterns that evoke an extraordinary blend of art and nature.

Historic Series

Andersen art glass panels come in a variety of original patterns. Learn more about Andersen art glass.

Decorative/Specialty Glass

Safety Glass

Tempered safety glass is available on all products, and comes standard on all patio doors.

Laminated Glass

Laminated glass is also available, for added strength, enhanced security and sound control.

Sound-Reducing Glass

This glass helps reduce the volume of outside noise. Available with Low-E, SmartSun and HeatLock coatings.

Art Glass

Andersen® art glass is available in a wide variety of patterns adding uncommon elegance to any home style.

Patterned Glass

Let in light while obscuring vision and adding a unique decorative touch to your home.


Equal Leg Arch

Half Circle

Quarter Circle







Unequal Leg Arch

Angled Pentagon


Extended Elliptical

Extended Gothic

Extended Partial Arch

Extended Raised Eyebrow

Extended Reverse Eyebrow

Extended Reverse Partial Eyebrow




Isosceles Triangle


Partial Arch

Partial Elliptical

Partial Eyebrow

Peak Pentagon

Quarter Arch


Raised Eyebrow

Reverse Partial Eyebrow

Right Triangle

Springline™ Flanker

Unequal Hexagon

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